

  • Photography
  • Photography
  • Social Media


Our content approach to digital ensures our brand activations reach all key digital areas, quickly. From TikTok to Instagram, our deep dive driven strategies provide a platform for activations where it matters!

Creative Brand, Creative Content

Our strategy-first approach ensured uni-posca brands and products could take centre stage across all key digital platforms. A unified and intelligent content creation process started in 2016, using key artists and influencers, driving industry-leading results and sales.

  • Average engagement rate: over 4%
  • 30 influencers engaged every month
  • Proven ROAS with targeted social spend
  • Over 18 million users reached per year

Powerful product launches

Central to product launch campaigns was smart video content and targeted advertising techniques. The goal? Ensure content tailored to specific individuals lands in their feeds across a range of digital formats, ensuring everyone who needs to hear about a new product does. 


Our On-Point product range launch saw over 82,000 clicks to the point of purchase and a 40% boost to Instagram follower numbers across 4 months. Thanks to a combination of TikTok, Instagram and highly targeted content methodologies, over 29 million impressions were accrued across key demographics. Images of on point launch


Harnessing influencers effectively

Working directly with some of the freshest creative talents in the UK, we’ve created a unique position for these iconic brands, making every NPD launch an exciting date in the calendar for artists and creatives everywhere. 


In 2022, Orbital saw the opportunity to take this up a level, especially in the microvideo sphere, i.e. TikTok and Reels. The challenge was how to create meaningful content featuring POSCA whilst showcasing real artists using the products in a range of exciting and dynamic ways.


  • Unique customisations created by real artists with an authentic look and feel
  • Over 80 pieces of unique, one-off, never before seen content, shareable exclusively by the brand
  • Consumer friendly, bite-size video content perfect for modern social channels
  • Ambassador videos alone have received over 100,000 views (per video) and counting… and there’s more to come!
  • Estimated increase in TikTok competitor conversation share of 10% since the scheme has launched
  • Over 200 artists have applied to be next year’s TikTok ambassadors
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