MDR: EU Medical Device Regulations explained, and how Real-World Evidence can help

5 minute read

Medical devices are an important and integral part of the pharmaceutical industry, but can be subject to strict and rigorous regulatory processes to ensure patient safety and device effectiveness. This ensures the best treatments for patients, but can be a big hurdle for manufacturers to negotiate. In the EU, recent changes to medical device...

12 June 2023

Eleanor Easton

  • RWE

Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee: Bypassing Hurdles And Pitfalls In Your Digital Marketing Strategy

5 minute read

It’s no secret that digital marketing holds significant value for brands in the 21st century, and if you’re reading this article, chances are that you are no stranger to that concept. 

In fact, 86% of marketers increased brand awareness by utilising online marketing, demonstrating...

11 May 2023

Leila Ghobadi

  • Marketing

Engaging Gen Z: Marketing To The Digitally Omnipresent

7 minute read

In 2023 you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t heard something about Generation Z, or “Zoomers” as they’re colloquially known.

This generation were born between the mid 90s and early 2010s, and are aged 11 to 26 this year. They have impact - making up 30% of the world’s population means that they...

11 May 2023

Leila Ghobadi

  • Marketing

Can pre-made Graphics Templates replace a Graphic Designer?

4 minute read

Pre-made graphics templates have become increasingly popular in recent years and there are three main reasons for this: 

  1. Graphics templates allow non-designers to...

11 May 2023

Andreia Antunes

  • Design
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